
Showing posts from October, 2018

What's new on Netflix Australia for November 2018

As the number of shows and movies available to stream in Australia continues to grow at an impressive rate, it can be tough to keep up with all the new additions to each streaming service each month. We've all come to anticipate a new stable of Netflix Originals releases each month, but figuring out which shows they are and when exactly they become available isn't so easy. And what about the large number licensed shows and films that are made available to stream, if only for a limited time? In an effort to keep you informed of the best shows and movies that are in the process of being added to Netflix , we'll be bringing you an updated list of what you can expect on the service on a monthly basis.  Not only that, we'll also be singling out the biggest releases, as well as a number of quality TV shows and films which we believe deserve your Netflixing time.  So get ready to kick off the month with an epic binge – here's what's new on Netflix in November 2018.

Best 4K TV 2018: the best Ultra-HD TV buying guide

Cheap NBN & broadband plans compared: the best internet deals in Australia

The array of internet options available to the average Aussie is getting to the point of being overwhelming, especially if you're just after the cheapest plan going. Thankfully, we've done the hard yards and sifted through all the fine-print to figure out which ones offer the most genuine value for your dollar. Whether it's NBN, ADSL or cable, there's a wide variety of pricing tiers available and they all come with quirks and caveats that you'll need to look out for. Start up fees, lock-in contracts, compulsory modem purchases – we've done the maths to find you the best deal. Cheapest NBN plans If you're in the market for a plan that packs more of a punch in the way of data, speed and inclusions, then check out our best NBN & broadband plans in Australia . Cheapest ADSL plans Cheapest cable plans Best NBN & broadband plans in Australia compared from TechRadar - All the latest technology news

Google will use your Roomba’s house map to improve your smart home

The company behind the Roomba robot vacuum, iRobot, has announced a partnership with Google that will allow the tech giant to utilize the autonomous vacuum’s ability to digitally map its user's home. Using a combination of photos and spatial data, the iRobot Roomba i7+ is able to create a detailed floorplan of a home, allowing its users to create cleaning schedules or issue specific room-based commands via the integrated Google Assistant functionality. iRobot’s next Roomba vacuum will take out the trash for you Google hopes to leverage this map data in order to make the user’s smart home more “thoughtful”. While specific functionality hasn’t been detailed, some potential use cases given include a much easier setup process and more intelligent automation. For instance, once your connected products have access to your home’s floorplan, they’ll be able to ‘figure out’ if they are in the kitchen, the living room and so on. This could make it quicker to set up a connected ligh

iPhone X and iPhone 8 get Apple’s controversial processor throttling feature

Henry Cavill is bewitching in first official clip of Netflix’s Witcher series

Almost two months ago, it was announced that Netflix's upcoming TV adaptation of The Witcher books had finally found a super leading man in Henry Cavill , who's recently been joined by actresses Freya Allan as Ciri and Anya Chalotra as Yennefer. Today, the streaming service has given us our first official look at the former Man of Steel in full costume as Geralt of Rivia. Lasting a succinct 23 seconds in total, the short clip features Cavill in what appears to be a costume and makeup test set against a black background.  The actor walks slowly walks into frame, looks straight into the camera, and then proceeds to take a drink from a flask – a potion perhaps?  Fan reactions to the short video have been mixed, with many commenters bemoaning the quality of the actor's wig and his young, clean-shaven appearance.  It's worth noting, however, that Netflix's adaptation of The Witcher will reportedly be closer to the original source material by Polish novelist Andrzej

Glamour Duck and the Internet's Rabid Love of Wild Animals

Every once in a while, the internet has a good day. Usually it's because a cute animal is acting strange. from Wired

Why Is Steve Bannon a Keynote Speaker for a Gaming Conference?

From sex robots to a failed IndieGoGo campaign to the Unabomber, ACE 2018 had a lot going on even before Bannon was invited. from Wired

Best RAM 2018: the top memory for your PC

Even the best PCs will eventually experience some kind of slow down over time, especially as operating systems like Windows 10 and macOS Mojave become more and more demanding. If your computer is starting to drag its feet and show its age, you might want to go out and pick up the best RAM to give your PC a healthy speed boost. One of the first things you’ll notice when you out looking for the best RAM is just how varied the memory market is. Anyone that isn’t already experienced in the PC hardware scene will have a hard time finding the best RAM for them. This is why we  created a list of the best RAM you can buy today. Every memory kit on this list has been handpicked by the TechRadar editorial staff, so you can be confident that you’re getting the best RAM – no matter what you need. So, whether you’re looking for a quick and easy upgrade that’ll let you open more Chrome tabs, or even if you’re a gamer looking for the fastest RAM money can buy, you’ll find the best RAM right here

Best computer speakers 2018: the best audio systems for your PC

You’ve likely heard plenty of people out there telling you that the best headphones are the only way to get great sound out of your PC. However, not everyone is comfortable with wearing headphones all day. For these people, the best computer speakers are an amazing purchase. Still, like any PC hardware, finding the best computer speakers isn’t as easy as you’d think. Before you decide on the best computer speakers for you, there are a few questions you should ask yourself. What do they sound like? Is the surround or stereo separation up to snuff? Do you start to get a headache after a couple minutes? Do they have balanced sound? These are all important questions to ask. You need to also think about what you actually plan to use the best computer speakers for. Are you just going to play the best PC games , like Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and Call of Cthulhu, where immersion is all that matters? Are you binging the Castlevania Season 2 (like you should) to get into the spirit of the se

Best PC power supply 2018: top PSUs for your PC

When you’re building one of the best PCs , the most important things you can do is get one of the best PC power supplies. We know it doesn’t sound too exciting, but every component in your rig relies on the best PC power supply for life. Even if it means you have less money for one of the best graphics cards , you shouldn’t compromise on your power supply.  We’re just going to come out and say it – having a power supply die on you is an awful experience. This is due to the fact that many of the symptoms of a dying PC power supply can slip by unnoticed. Sure, some are as obvious as your PC just outright refusing to turn on, but they can also be as subtle as a power efficiency dip. By the time you notice your PSU is beginning to fail, it may be too late. So, do yourself a favor and buy one of the best PC power supplies today, so it doesn’t fail tomorrow. There’s some good news, though – there’s a wide range of power supplies out there right now. And, even if you're on a budget, yo

Best webcams 2018: the top webcams for your PC

Pretty much all of the best laptops and all-in-one computers will have HD webcams built in these days, but the best PCs don’t have the same luxury. Fortunately, you can pick up the best webcams for a similar, or even better experience than their laptop brethren can offer. So, what makes the best webcam? Everything will boil down to what you’re trying to do with it: are you looking to do some Twitch streaming? Or, do you just want to chill and have some video calls with friends? From webcams with quirky and beautiful aesthetics to traditional cameras that focus on fidelity above all things, we found the best webcams you can buy today – no matter what you’re looking to do with them. If you want the best webcam for video calling through Google Hangouts or Skype, look no further – we have the best webcams on the market gathered together. So, sit back, relax and get ready to find the perfect webcam for your setup. Luckily, the best webcams are about to get a lot cheaper – Black Frida

Best CPU cooler 2018: top CPU coolers for your PC

What’s cooler than being cool? That’s right, keeping your PC components ice cold . And, before you go out to find more exciting parts like the best graphics cards , you should start your best gaming PC build off with the best CPU cooler. After all, lower CPU temps will make your computer last longer and be more performant. Coming in every shape, size and color, the best CPU cooler for your PC will likely depend on what you’re looking to build. Luckily, the best CPU coolers are available in a wide range of budgets, too – some of the best air coolers are very affordable. And, if you’re looking to push the best processors to the limit, you can still splurge for the latest liquid cooling systems. No matter what kind of CPU cooler you’re in the market for, we here at TechRadar will help you find it with this list of the best CPU coolers you can buy in 2018 – each one tested and ranked right here. Luckily, the best CPU coolers are about to get a lot more affordable. Black Friday and Cyb

Best hard drives 2018: the top HDD for desktops and laptops

The best motherboard 2018: the top Intel and AMD motherboards we've seen

While they’re not as exciting as the best processors or graphics cards, the best motherboards are probably the most important part of your new PC build. With all the latest PC technology, the best motherboards are the backbone of the best PCs . The best motherboards will help your PC hardware reach its full potential by fully utilizing and optimizing it. They can even beef up your processor – by giving it more overclocking headroom. Due to their critical importance, you should make sure you only pick up one of the best motherboards. If you try to cut corners and your motherboard dies on you, you may have to rebuild your entire PC from scratch – and trust us, no one wants to do that. Listen, just do yourself a favor and pick up one of the best motherboards today, so you can save yourself the hassle of replacing it tomorrow. If you’ve been looking for the best motherboard, you likely already know that the market is extremely confusing. Don’t worry, we have your back – we’ve created a